Phone: +91-98 71 372 350
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Annual Awards of STE are the tangible symbol to signify eminence of contributions made by a person or institution. This boosts the enthusiasm of the contributors that have contributed in different field of science and social service with their excellence, expertise and approach towards achieving certain goals for the society. Recognition of such extraordinary activities is eventually very important to boost their confidence and to honour them for what they have done for the science and society. STE confers following categories of awards and honours to such eminent personalities.
The last date to submit this form is 30th September, 2025.
The Online Certificate Course on Environment Awareness being organized by
Hindu College, University of Delhi & Save The Environment for the year 2024.
Dates will be Announced soon.
International Conference (Online) on EWASH 2022 & 4th Annual Meet of STE was successfully organized on 12th- 13th January, 2023.
Links to view the event:
International Conference on Green Energy & Sustainable Environmental Technology [GESET- 2022] on the occasion of World Ozone Day was successfully organized by Save The Environment & School of Chemical Technology, KIIT, Bhubaneswar.
Save The Environment successfully organized the two-day online International Conference on ‘Environment, Water, Agriculture, Sustainability & Health (EWASH-2021): United Together in the Battle against Pandemic, on 21st – 22nd January, 2022, in joint collaboration with Department of Chemistry, Hindu College, Delhi University and in association with CSIR- NEERI, RSC London- North India Section and ESDA, Delhi. Prof. Sandeep Verma, Secretary, SERB, Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India & Professor, IIT Kanpur and Shri. S.K. Varshney, Head, International Cooperation, Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India graced the event as Honorable Chief Guests in the inaugural session and valedictory session, respectively.
Links to view the event:
Year 2020 witnessed all countries across the world, united in their battle against the worst pandemic of the century i.e., COVID-19. As the deadly disease continued its wrath, we slowly and steadily rose from the repercussions of the much needed lockdowns and accustomed ourselves to the ‘new normal’ life.
Read MoreEWASH Conference 2020 December 19, 2020
EWASH Conference 2020 December 20, 2020
EWASH 2020 Conference Valedictory Session
Save the environment (STE) owes its origin to the devoted and tenacious efforts of the great soul Late Dr. Praloy O. Basu, the Founder Secretary of STE. In loving memory of our beloved Founder Secretary, Lt. Dr. Praloy O. Basu,a Free Eye Testing Camp was organized on the occasion of his birthday celebrations at Banalata Shiksha Niketan, Gosaba, Ragabelia, South 24 Parganas, West Bengal on 6th December, 2020. Mrs.Chhanda Basu, wife of Lt. Dr. Praloy O Basu and General Secretary of STE along with Mr. Sanjit Mitra, Treasurer, STE took the initiative on behalf of the STE team. The camp was also organized in the memory of Ms. Gouri Bhattasali and Ms. Rita Bhattasali. Free spectacles were also distributed to about 50 beneficiaries, in the memory of Late Mr. Dhiraj Kumar Dutta,. We are grateful to the physicians, Dr. Pijush Kumar Nayak and Dr. Sukrita Samanta who volunteered for the eye camp and enabled us to actualize the endeavor. There were about 80 beneficiaries who were tested for eye related medical complications. A sum of INR 5000/- was also donated to Banalata Shiksha Niketan for local thalassemia patients. We are thankful to school owner Mr. Rama Pada Mondal and his wife, Mrs. Pratima Mondal and the school staff for providing the venue and assistance in successfully organizing the camp.The camp would not have been accomplished without the kind efforts of our volunteers, Mr. Shib Sankar Roy, Mrs. Suma Biswas, Mr. Indrajit Halder, Mr. Raju Sarkar, Mr. Kaushik Chowdhury, Mr. Pradip Bhattasali and Mr. SankarDey. The entire STE team is thankful to all of them in organizing and conducting the camp even during the COVID-19 pandemic. During the camp all requisite measures were taken considering the pandemic.
To Protect Present and Future Generations from various Environmental Hazards.
Awareness and Motivation among rural communities & Provide cost effective, energy efficient & environment friendly technologies.
Interactive Sessions, Workshops/ Seminars, Awareness Program, Field operations through Projects, Science Fair, Poster & Quiz Competition.
We take projects and provide consultancy for water treatment, rainwater harvesting, environmental impact assessment and herbal remedies for environment-induced health effects.